The One-Minute Apologist
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If you're looking for solid Catholic answers to common Protestant challenges, but don't have lots of time, then reach for The One-Minute Apologist.
Here renowned Catholic apologist Dave Armstrong (author of A Biblical Defense of Catholicism and The Catholic Verses) has assembled over sixty of the claims and arguments that Protestants (of all stripes) most frequently level against the Church. Drawing on a lifetime of study in Scripture, history, and the works of Catholic and Protestant theologians he delivers the essential Catholic replies to each claim, packaged for you in a compact and uniquely usable format.
And since he's a convert from Evangelicalism, Armstrong presents these anti-Catholic claims with an insider's accuracy using the special terms, references, and follow-up arguments that you're mostly likely to hear in real-world encounters and responds to them in a way Protestants can understand and appreciate.
The One-Minute Apologist is concise, but never superficial. It cites or quotes more than a thousand Scripture verses, along with the words of scores of saints and scholars including many respected Protestant sources. Packing centuries of learning and wisdom into just a few tightly structured pages, The One-Minute Apologist decisively refutes common Protestant claims such as:
More accessible than thick theological tomes, more substantial than tracts, and better organized than other quick answer books, The One-Minute Apologist is the one source you ll find yourself turning to whenever you have the need to defend the Catholic Faith quickly, credibly, and well.