Our Mission: Books that awaken the life of the mind and nurture the fullness of Catholic thought back to life.
Our Good Faith Guarantee: We personally review each book added to the store to attempt to make sure it is in harmony with Catholic dogma, social teaching, and the consensus of the Church Fathers. If you unknowingly purchase a book from the store and feel that it conflicts with the catechism or one of the creeds, we will give you a refund on the book and review its inclusion in our store.
Vincent Frankini:
Vincent graduated with a degree in Business Marketing. He manages the website and helps bring books to publication. An avid fisherman for most of his early life, in his mid-20s, he finally decided to become a “fisher of men” in his own way, working for a bookstore called Catholic Treasures. He is the owner of Tumblar House which operates an online bookstore, podcast, and publishing house. His expertise includes digital marketing, search engine optimization, and data science.
In his spare time, Vincent enjoys reading books ranging from a variety of different genres, including nonfiction, fantasy, and spiritual classics by the saints. Some of his favorite authors include St. Francis de Sales and Ernest Hemingway. Vincent currently resides in Southern California.
Gina Francesca Frankini:
Managing Editor
Gina is a storyteller, poet, and educator. Graduating summa cum laude, she holds credentials in both elementary education and Spanish. In addition to teaching, she has worked for Rivershore Books as a freelance proofreader and editor. Gina contributed to Tumblar House as a blogger, social media assistant, and in a general advisory capacity for several years before officially joining the managerial staff in 2023.
As a continuing tribute to her roots, she writes under the pen name of Gina Marinello-Sweeney. Her published novels to date may be found in The Veritas Chronicles, a young adult trilogy. While defined by counter-culturalism, Gina nevertheless finds that she can fully embrace the cottagecore trend, which incorporates her lifelong love of fairy tales and the works of L.M. Montgomery, her greatest literary inspiration. It may therefore come off as no surprise to learn that her favorite genres vary from fantasy to classic literature. In her spare time, Gina enjoys venturing to the sea, reading, and dreaming of Prince Edward Island. She lives in Southern California with her husband Vincent Frankini, where she is at work on a fairy tale novel and short story collection.
Charles Coulombe:
Charles was born in New York on November 8, 1960. At an early age, his parents took him to Hollywood, California, where they lived in an apartment building owned by famed television psychic, Criswell. Coulombe has lectured on a wide variety of historical, religious, and political topics on three continents, and did commentary for ABC News on the death of John Paul II and the election and installation of his successor. He is the author of numerous articles in many journals, and of thirteen books, most recently Blessed Charles of Austria: A Holy Emperor and His Legacy. Puritan's Empire represents the culmination of over 30 years research and thought on the real meaning of American history today.