Discover the astounding life of Padre Pio in the groundbreaking book, Padre Pio and America. This widely acclaimed publication dives deep into various aspects of this humble Italian Capuchin friar's mysterious and captivating history. With an unparalleled enthusiasm for piety, Padre Pio left an indelible mark on the Catholic Church worldwide for his many unexplained bilocation ability, infused fragrances of supernatural origin, skillful reading of souls and hearts, miraculous healing powers, remarkable conversions and prophetic foreknowledge.
Padre Pio and America traces each stage of his life from his ordination to a Capuchin priest in 1910 to his death in 1968. Learn more about how he became one of Italy's most loved figures despite a lifetime confined to his monastery without giving sermons. Explore the account of how he seemingly defied science with incredible phenomena including stigmata throughout World War II. Compose yourself to read alongside biographers researching accounts of healings and conversions attributed to him as far away as North America where his admirers continue to venerate him today almost 50 years after his passing.
This spectacular book is an unparalleled look into the truly unique story of Padre Pio. Relive each full-color page through this immersing journey featuring never before seen photos and rare insights into this fascinating figure. Don't miss your chance to dive deep into this extraordinary history with Padre Pio and America!
Padre Pio and America traces each stage of his life from his ordination to a Capuchin priest in 1910 to his death in 1968. Learn more about how he became one of Italy's most loved figures despite a lifetime confined to his monastery without giving sermons. Explore the account of how he seemingly defied science with incredible phenomena including stigmata throughout World War II. Compose yourself to read alongside biographers researching accounts of healings and conversions attributed to him as far away as North America where his admirers continue to venerate him today almost 50 years after his passing.
This spectacular book is an unparalleled look into the truly unique story of Padre Pio. Relive each full-color page through this immersing journey featuring never before seen photos and rare insights into this fascinating figure. Don't miss your chance to dive deep into this extraordinary history with Padre Pio and America!