Science and Reason in Support of God, the Soul, and Life After Death
Today, there is more science-based evidence for God, the soul, and life after death than ever before. Then why are scores of people turning to unbelief because of "science"? The answer is simple: they do not know the science.
Science at the Doorstep to God presents in depth the latest evidence to turn the rising tide of unbelief. Father Robert Spitzer, S.J., synthesizes eight recent studies confirming an intelligent creator of physical reality as well as a transphysical soul capable of surviving bodily death.
This is the most comprehensive scientific treatment of God and the afterlife to date. It combines natural scientific method, metaphysical method, medical studies, anthropological and genetics studies, and phenomenological descriptions, showing how each distinct method and data set reinforces the others.
It is critical for the Church to learn and share the fruits of this research and again to demonstrate the profound complementarity between the Catholic faith and science. Through reason, we can come to see not only the great intelligence of the Creator, but also signs of his love, goodness, and glory.
Born in Honolulu, Hawaii on May 16, 1952, Fr. Robert J. Spitzer is a Catholic Priest in the Jesuit order, and is currently the President of the Magis Center of Reason and Faith and the Spitzer Center. He has taught courses on faith and reason, metaphysics, philosophy of God, and philosophy of science to graduate and undergraduate students at Georgetown University, Gonzaga University, Seattle University, and St. Louis University. He was President of Gonzaga University from 1998 to 2009, during which he led the efforts to build 20 new facilities, increased the student population by 75%, and raised more than $200 million for scholarships and capital projects. Fr. Spitzer has produced two television series for EWTN and received a Templeton Grant for teaching physics and metaphysics. He has made multiple media appearances including: Larry King Live (debating Stephen Hawking, Leonard Mlodinow, and Deepak Chopra on God and modern physics), the Today Show (debating on the topic of active euthanasia), The History Channel in "God and The Universe," and a multiple part PBS series "Closer to the Truth," and the Hugh Hewitt Show. He has also appeared on dozens of nationally syndicated radio programs.Editorial Reviews
"This remarkable book summarizes hundreds of arguments, from hundreds of sources. It is amazing how much detail Father Spitzer has included: many lifetimes, it seems, of reading, research, and thinking. He translates the technicalities of science into laymen's language and does not waste a word. This guy is a genius!" -- Peter Kreeft, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Boston College; Best-selling author"Enlisting the help of philosophy, mathematics, physics, neuroscience, psychology, linguistics, and anthropology, this impressive volume weaves together multidisciplinary answers to some of the greatest matters of inquiry." -- Michael Augros, Ph.D., Author, Who Designed the Designer? "Father Spitzer is a remarkable man with a remarkable breadth of knowledge and understanding. Whatever your background and views, you will certainly learn a great deal from this stimulating, interesting book and have your intellectual horizons expanded." -- Stephen M. Barr, President, Society of Catholic Scientists
"Every graduate student in theology needs to read this book attentively. One day, when the Church recognizes the necessity of training its priests in the science that supports our beliefs, and seminaries institute a two-semester course on the unity of faith and science, this book will become the essential textbook." -- Thomas Sheahen, Ph.D., Director Emeritus, Institute for Theological Encounter with Science and Technology
"A compelling answer to those who claim that belief in God is contrary to the deliverances of the sciences. Taking us from the outer world to the inner world, Father Spitzer shows us how each points toward a transcendent reality. His deep conversance with science, philosophy, and theology are on full display in this important book." -- Francis J. Beckwith, Ph.D., Professor of Philosophy, Baylor University.
"Father Spitzer's book is not so simple so as to lend itself to easy refutation. It is not so complex as to be unwieldy and impenetrable. It serves as a guidebook to the serious issues in mathematics, physics, philosophy, and other fields, and ties together these variant strands into a satisfying whole." -- James Sinclair, Senior Physicist, U.S. Navy