Editorial Reviews
"Christian Humanism is the tradition in our culture that stands against the disintegrating spirit of the age. In the tradition of Russell Kirk, André Gushurst-Moore presents a rich and enticing portrait of this still-vibrant tradition of Anglo-American thought, one by which we may still find our bearings in difficult times."--Stratford Caldecott, author of All Things Made New and Beauty in the Word
"André Gushurst-Moore has earned his citizenship in the Cosmopolis. He expertly and artfully traces the soulful lineage of Christian Humanism from St. Thomas More to Russell Kirk. In addition to a number of supporting characters, Swift, Johnson, Burke, Coleridge, Newman, Brownson, Disraeli, Chesterton, Eliot, and Lewis stand tall and proud as well."--Bradley J. Birzer, author of intellectual biographies of Charles Carroll of Carrollton, Christopher Dawson, J.R.R. Tolkien, and (forthcoming) Russell Kirk
"Finely written, and highly erudite, The Common Mind is an original and persuasive exploration of the idea of a Christian society, showing its enduring relevance to the culture and the politics of the world in which we live."--Roger Scruton, author of A Short History of Modern Philosophy and Beauty: A Very Short Introduction
"André Gushurst-Moore takes us on a majestic ride across centuries of English and American literature, showing us that the masters were articulate because they were writing with the same pen and kicking against the same chaos."--Dale Ahlquist, President, American Chesterton Society
"A gem of a book. It is rare to find such a combination of instruction, solace, and simple delight in one volume. Literate, passionate, and reaching for joy in a time of loss, The Common Mind is a tonic for melancholia and an education for both mind and spirit."--Bruce P. Frohnen, author of Virtue and the Promise of Conservatism: The Legacy of Burke and Tocqueville