Topics on Tradition
Publication Date: March 27, 2013
Format: Paperback
Pages: 218
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This book an anthology of some of the best columns that Fr. Ripperger ever wrote for The Latin Mass Magazine on many different topics involving Catholic tradition as it relates to current issues in our modern world. Some of the topics include:
As each new pope is elected after Vatican II, there arise questions in all part of the Church about his theological stance on this or that, his liturgical views on the Ancient Rite of Mass, his pastoral views, how he will address other religions as well as a variety of other topics. It is hard to imagine that in the past such questions would have been asked about an incoming pope. Each pope is a different man, but what kept them within a certain range of predictability was the Sacred Tradition. What happened? How did the Church get to this state? Fr. Ripperger weighs in on these questions in this wonderful anthology.