Forty Anti-Catholic Lies
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A Mythbusting Apologist Sets the Record Straight
Tired of being stumped when false claims are made about the Catholic Church? Want to be armed with knowledge that puts these mistruths to rest?
In these pages, veteran apologist Gerard Verschuuren provides thorough yet concise answers to forty of the most common and absurd lies about the Catholic Church.
With precision and charity, you'll soon be able to defend the Church when you're told that Catholics . . .
Relying on historical works and official Church documents, Vershuuren authoritatively proves that these and many other claims are simply caricatures or outright misrepresentations of the real beliefs of Catholics.
Read this book and you'll be armed with the knowledge and confidence you need to defend the Catholic Church from those who wrongly disparage her teachings. Better yet, you'll be equipped to proclaim the soul-saving truth of our Faith.
"We should thank Dr. Gerard Verschuuren for taking on a very worthwhile challenge. Catholic apologetics is something lacking, yet very much needed in our culture. The teachings of the Church are becoming increasingly counter-cultural and thus need constant defending and clarifying. This presents a challenge to bishops and priests, who cannot alone meet this monumental task.So I thank Gerard Verschuuren for lending such a great support to this necessary and important effort!"
--Most Rev. William E.Lori, Archbishop of the Archdiocese of Baltimore.
"Though there areprobably more than forty anti-Catholic myths, at least a thorough consideration of forty of the most dangerous and often silly ones is most needed. This is what Gerard Verschuuren has provided in this useful book. Catholics have always wanted to know how their faith is deliberately or out of ignorance understood. Seeing the myths stated and explained serves both for clarity and truth."
--James V. Schall, S.J., Professor Emeritus Department of Government, Georgetown University
"Catholics engaged in frontline apologetics will find this book a helpful tool for correcting common misperceptions about the Church widely held by non-Catholics and even some Catholics. Gerard Verschuuren's intelligent explanations are models of clear thinking and clear expression that make a valuable contribution to the important task of setting the record straight."
--Russell Shaw, Consultor of the Pontifical Council for Social Communications. Adjunctprofessor at the Pontifical University of the Holy Cross, Rome. Former Secretary for Public Affairs of the National Conference of Catholic Bishops/US Catholic Conference
"Gerard Verschuuren's Forty Anti-Catholic Lies debunks a wide range of nonsense about Catholicism, ranging from the sacraments to the historical. Easy to read, it is a comprehensive, and authoritative, volume, one that sets the record straight. Read it and enjoy!"
--Dr. Bill Donohue, President Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights