Let Us Begin
Publication Date: September 09, 2024
Format: Paperback
Pages: 168
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It's no secret we live in a time of confusion, scandal, and chaos. Our response is often despair, hopelessness, or uncertainty of what to do next. The world, however, needs to be repaired; what is broken needs to be rebuilt. Jesus famously asked Saint Francis of Assisi to rebuild his Church. Today, so many Catholics want their lives, families, nation, and Church repaired as well.
Let Us Begin highlights the unmatched witness of Francis on how to repair the brokenness of the human heart as well as to restore a world in need of renewal. As Francis realized more than 800 years ago, personal conversion is the key to renewing our Church and our culture.
Francis accepted God's invitation to let Christ change his life, and thus he began to live as Christ. He labored to repair what was broken, but he accomplished this tremendous rebuild by being enamored with Christ. Renewal in our age will follow the same path: When we are made into Christ, we change the world.