In the late '60s, a small group of elite American women convinced an overwhelming majority of the country that destroying the most fundamental of relationships--that of mother and child--was necessary for women to have productive and happy lives.
From the spoiling of this relationship followed the decay of the entire family, and almost overnight, our once pro-life culture became pro-lifestyle, embracing everything that felt good. Sixty million abortions later, women aren't showing signs of health, happiness, and fulfillment. Increased numbers of divorce, depression, anxiety, sexually transmitted disease, and drug abuse all point to the reality that women aren't happier, just more medicated.
Huge cultural shifts led to a rethinking of womanhood, but could there be more behind it than just culture, politics, and rhetoric?
Building off the scriptural foundations of the anti-Christ, Carrie Gress makes an in-depth investigation into the idea of an anti-Mary--as a spirit, not an individual--that has plagued the West since the '60s. Misleading generations of women, this anti-Marian spirit has led to the toxic femininity that has destroyed the lives of countless men, women, and children.
Also in The Anti-Mary Exposed:
- How radical feminism is connected to the errors of Russia, spoken of by Our Lady of Fatima.The involvement and influence of the goddess movement and the occult.
- The influence of "female" demons, such as Lilith and Jezebel.
- The repulsive underbelly of radical feminism's chief architects.
- A look at the matriarchy, a cabal of elite women committed to abortion, who control the thinking of most women through media, politics, Hollywood, fashion, and universities.
The antidote to the anti-Mary is, of course, Mary, the Mother of God, known widely as the most powerful woman in the world and the source of the belief that women ought to be treated with dignity. She is a beacon of all the virtues and qualities--purity, humility, kindness, beauty--that oppose this sinister force that has cast its spell upon so many women. Mary's influence is unparalleled by any woman in history. She is the perfect model of Christian femininity, who desires to be a spiritual mother to us all, leading us to her Son, and to the fulfillment of our heart's deepest desires.
Editorial Reviews
"Carrie Gress’s book is a page-turner! And the message is important enough to win this Protestant’s endorsement." — Ann Coulter
“…a powerful prescription for a truly liberating Catholic feminism.” —George Weigel
This inspired, monumental text is foundational for the proper restoration of authentic feminine beauty, dignity, and fulfillment through and with the Spiritual Mother of All Peoples.—Mark Miravalle, St. John Paul II Professor of Mariology, Franciscan University of Steubenville
This is a powerful book. We need Mary. Full of grace, Carrie Gress helps us return to Bethlehem to learn Christ again as a practical matter. This book is an encounter for our world, politics, culture, and family. Read this book and share it. The urgency underlying it is real. —Kathryn Jean Lopez, Senior Fellow, National Review Institute, Editor-at-Large National Review
Carrie is a thoughtful, gentle writer who tells hard yet loving truths. Listen to her. —Austin Ruse, President of the Center for Family and Human Rights (C-FAM)
I am bowled over by Carrie Gress’ latest book. For me, it’s among the most important works published by a modern Catholic…. Her discovery and definition of the Anti-Mary is an answer to the current world-wide dismay over “what on earth has happened to women?”
—Mallory Millett, Writer, Speaker, Director David Horowitz Freedom Center, Sister of feminist-icon Kate Millett
Carrie Gress’s recent book is a brilliantly insightful continuation of her earlier book, The Marian Option.
—Msgr. Arthur B. Calkins, Former official of the Pontifical Commission “Ecclesia Dei”, Internationally Renown Mariologist, Author/Speaker
The Anti-Mary Exposed accurately captures and describes the multifaceted and diabolical attacks on woman especially within her feminine, maternal and nuptial identities. This is a fantastic book from a heart overflowing with love and devotion for the Blessed Virgin Mary…an excellent read and I highly recommend it!
—Obianuju Ekeocha, International Human Rights Activist and author of Target Africa: Ideological Neo-colonialism of the Twenty-first Century