The Hidden Laws of World History
In The Order of the Ages, Robert Bolton explains the principles that relate the modern world to earlier ages, and the position of our own era in a universal time-cycle, revealing the essential nature of time. He shows that time imposes patterns of its own on the order of events, which reveal themselves by numerical regularities. By means of a Platonic view of creation--which connects temporal with non-temporal realities--we come to see how man's inner life holds the balance between these two kinds of objective reality.
Connections are made between metaphysical ideas of time and the scientific idea of entropy, along with its varied applications. The last two thousand years are analyzed numerically in terms of traditional cosmology, making possible the calculation of our present position in a universal era, together with the time within which this era will come to an end. Finally, there is a review of the possibility that this ending may coincide with what Christian tradition calls the Last Times, and what the implications of this would be for current values and religious beliefs.