Way to Inner Peace
Publication Date: July 11, 2016
Format: Paperback
Pages: 100
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Are you struggling to find inner peace even despite your best efforts? If so, Way to Inner Peace is here for you. Written by Archbishop Sheen, this book provides invaluable advice on how to get the spiritual solace you so desperately need.
The sheer power of archbishop’s words is extraordinary and will give new life and guidance to your journey towards becoming a saint. With his vivid, stark language and emphasis on virtues such as humility, wisdom, and faith – readers will discover newfound spiritual insight and understanding with this one of a kind guidebook.
Not only does Archbishop Sheen cover key principles that are needed to pave the way on the path towards true inner peace – he also provides practical ways to use them in our everyday lives. An essential purchase for any spiritual person in search of meaning or comfort that only Christ can provide.
Whatever questions you may have or issues you are currently facing - Way To Inner Peace has your answers. With its transformational insights and lessons - this book can very well be the turning point of your life and lead you down the path of discovering ultimate inner peace that has been missing in your life all this time.
The modern tendency is toward the affirmation of the ego, the exaltation of selfishness, riding roughshod over others in order to satisfy our own self-centeredness. It certainly has not produced much happiness, for the more the ego asserts itself the more miserable it becomes.
The psychological reason for the modern fondness for news which deflates others or brings out the evil in their lives, is to solace uneasy consciences which are already laden with guilt. By finding others who apparently are more evil, one falsely believes he becomes better. It used to be that the most popular biographies were the lives of good men for the sake of imitation, rather than scandals for the sake of making ourselves believe we are more virtuous.
Our modern world has produced a generation of rich politicians who talk love of the poor, but never prove it in action, and a brood of the poor, but never prove it in action, and a brood of the poor whose hearts are filled with envy for the rich and covetousness of their money. The rich man who is humble helps the poor rather than the revolutionists who use the poor to bomb their ways to Stalinist thrones.
Faithfulness in great things is not uncommon; faithfulness in little things is rare but most indicative of true character. Almost any husband would leap into the sea or rush into a burning building to rescue his perishing wife. But to anticipate the convenience or happiness of the wife in some matter, the neglect of which would go unnoticed, is a more eloquent proof of tenderness.
The tragedy of today is that the world is not only tearing up the photographs of a good society, but also tearing up the negatives. By denying truth the world gives up the search for it, just as the man who believes that blindness is normal will never even seek a cure.